Buckskin Horse in Hitched Hair Bridle
This finished bridle horse has proven himself honest and responsive, and thus entrusted to wear such a fine, old hitched hair bridle. Most of the finest of these bridles were made in the Montana prisons 70 and 80 years ago; as the inmates had lots of time on their hands in the long winter months. It can take several full days of braiding to complete just a few inches of hitched hair.
Bay with Las Cruces Spade Bit
There are many styles and designs on these fine old bridles, each is a unique masterpiece. Hitched hair bridles are hitched or "woven" with strands of horsehair, comprised usually of 6 to 8 hairs laid half with the root end one way and half with the roots at the other end. This is because the root end is thicker than the tips, and it is necessary to arrange them as such to keep the finished work even.
Reproductions can add beauty and originality to a home at an extremely affordable price. Mine are printed by individual order, in small editions, to preserve their value and quality. They are priced based on size, and can be printed to custom sizes (in proportion to the original work).
Since my reproductions are done on a per-customer basis, it means you get exactly the size you want. It is custom-printed especially for you; no one else. I keep the printing cost as reasonable as possible, to give you the best value for your buck. A reproduction is the next best thing to an original, and being that my editions are kept small, there will not be many folks with them.
Watercolor paintings are reproduced on Arches watercolor paper, just like the original; and oil paintings are reproduced on canvas, as the original. Side by side, they are difficult to tell apart.
Editions are for 50 or less. You may request a specefic number within the edition if it is available. Editions are number like etchings, in that the top number indicates that print's place in the edition, and the bottom number indicates the maximum number of prints of that image. Thus, 4/50 is the fourth print out of a possible 50 for that image.
Please call me for more information and to order these.

High Desert Coffee-Break
Days start early for the working buckaroo, and a hot cup of good, strong cowboy coffee can make one wake up more pleasantly on a brisk day.
Touching the Sky
Most definately, it can feel that way. Though I thoroughly enjoy watching a good bucking horse, I'm always glad it's not me in the saddle. They are wonderful to paint and a joy of anatomical challenge, Some cowboys aren't the least bit phased by any of their mount's antics, as this hand from the 30's is showing.
Vaquero Overlooking Monterey Bay
Taking a moment to pause on the western edge of the "new" continent, he scans the horizon for the sailing vessel that is soon due. It will bring many prized goods from Europe, and will leave in turn heavily laden with hides and tallow
from "Alta California".
Oil/Acrylic on Canvas
Red Steer
Longhorn cattle are known for their, well, long horns. They are also desirable today for their lean meat and often colorful hides.
Bucking Horse
This little roan horse knows his stuff and has plans for this buckaroo that he probably wouldn't approve of. Back in the early days, the big ranches had huge remudas, and a seldom-ridden horse could get pretty cold-backed before a full day's work.
Oil on Canvas